Tuesday 27 August 2019

Upcoming Event: DDGM Reception 2019

Get your tickets for the upcoming D.D.G.M. Reception from your lodge secretary.

Friday 16 August 2019

Garden Harvest 2019 Commencing

The harvest has begun slowly. Paulette offered many "thanks for this bountiful harvest, even though it is small in quantity in comparison to the amount of food required to feed those in need; thanks to all who have given of themselves to help produce this harvest; thanks to all those who prepare this fresh food at the Blue Door Soup Kitchen; thanks to all communities of folks who choose to give of their time and from their hearts in a world that would pull us away from giving and would have us only 'take.' I am grateful for the motivation of so many. THANKS!!!"


For those not on facebook, here are a couple of the pictures of the first haul.