Sunday 13 December 2015

A Christmas Message from the Deputy District Grand Master

DDGM Christmas Message


As we enter the Christmas season it is a time to reflect and think about all the things we can be thankful for.  Life is a journey which is regretfully sometimes filled with pitfalls, but each one of us has much to appreciate; family, friends, safety and good health to name but a few. 

As Masons we are taught that Masonry takes good men and makes them better.  At this special time of year it is incumbent on each of us to practice in greater amounts those things that make us better men.  There are many ways to do this, but what I am suggesting is that we need to exercise a positive attitude to our fellow human beings.  The hustle and bustle of the season often makes people forget the nicer elements as they scurry about searching for the item that will make this a perfect Christmas; they forget what this time of year is really all about.  I am asking you to slow down, to think before you act and extend the hand of friendship to one and all.  Do what you can to make this world a better place.  Chances are that your single contribution will be small, but think of the effect if we all put into practice those characteristics that make us Masons.  What I am asking is for each one of us to go forth and be Masons...extend charity to all men and in our own way to make this season a better one for as many people as you can.

As I approach the mid-way point of my year as DDGM I would like to sincerely thank each and every one of you for the support you have given.  I have been warmly received on all of my lodge visits, whether the have been fraternal or official, and the support of each of you on the individual level has touched me greatly. 

To the District Chairmen, I thank you for your continued commitment to the District; each one of you epitomises what is right in the Sudbury-Manitoulin District and it is your involvement that add greatly to the success of our district.  To my advisory committee, your continued advice and guidance is of significant value and is greatly appreciated. Our District Secretary, W.Bro. Reijo Luoma continues to do an outstanding job and his contribution to the district is considerable and appreciated.

As a district we face many of the challenges that Masonry as a whole and society in general face, but knowing each one of you, and the values you exude, I believe the future is bright and we can continue to practice the values that make us what we are today.

On behalf of my wife Deborah and myself, I would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and the best of fortune for the New Year.    


R.W. Bro. Clive D. Stephenson
District Deputy Grand Master 2015-16
Sudbury – Manitoulin District

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